Hawaiian Islands PeriAnesthesia Nurses

Aloha from Philly! ASPAN’S 41st National Conference

Posted almost 3 years ago by Susan Castillejos

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Aloha HIPAN Members!

After a long hiatus we are excited that the LIVE in-person ASPAN National Conference has returned. 

We made it! Your President (Susan) and VP / President Elect (Susanne) are here in Downtown Philadelphia, PA for the 41st ASPAN National Conference. We would love to see you, so please come up and introduce yourselves to us if you are here. 


Susan Castillejos, RN, BSN 

HIPAN President 

Susanne Terrac-Gee, RN, CPAN

HIPAN Vice President / President Elect


If you weren't able to attend, you can still register for the online version. 

Registration for the recorded conference will reopen online on April 12.

Reminder:  Those who registered for ASPAN’s online recorded conference will be able to access the sessions starting May 9 through September 5, 2022.

Sessions are not being streamed live on April 9 and 10.


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